What is the 2024 Shelter Medicine Conference?

The 2024 Shelter Medicine Conference brings together shelter medicine professionals from across the world to improve quality education and care for animals. This event has over 30 hours of continuing education on shelter medicine for veterinary professionals.

Who hosted the conference?

Maddie’s Shelter Program at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine! Thanks to the ASPCA, Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University, and Maddie’s Fund who organised the conference and for the very first time- livestreams.

The Shelter Medicine Conference is in its 21st year and is held every year at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, USA. If you want to watch the recordings from this and previous conferences- go here!

What did BradyCare do there?

BradyCare’s founder, Dr. Ursula Goetz, and co-founder Jesper Schmidt traveled all the way from Denmark to Ithaca, NY, to attend the conference.

“The visit to Cornell university was truly a fantastic experience. I am so glad BradyCare did this long journey from Denmark to Cornell Veterinary University in NY, USA. Online meetings are great, but, let’s be honest, they do not replace meeting people in real life!”

Dr. Ursula Goetz

Founder, BradyCare

She wants to send a very special thanks to:

  • Dr. Casey Cazer, DVM PhD, Associate Hospital Director for Small Animal Community Practice, Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Department of Public and Ecosystem Health, College of Veterinary Medicine Cornell University
  • Dr. Daniel J. Lopez DVM, DACVS (Small Animal) Assistant Clinical Professor, Small Animal Surgery Department of Clinical Sciences Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Dr. Caroline Yancey, DVM, MPH Associate Dean of International Programs, College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Public and Ecosystem Health Cornell University- who also works with our good long-time friends at Mayhew Georgia
  • Daisy Ching Wai Lau, Veterinary student from Sidney in Cornell on the veterinary international program

All of these wonderful professionals are working with BradyCare on our “Responsible Antibiotic Use” Module.

Sign up to our newsletter to learn more about Dr. Ursula Goetz’s experience at the 2024 Shelter Medicine Conference.

10 Facts About Shelter Medicine

  1. According to Tufts University; Cummings School of Veterinary MedicineShelter Medicine is a field of veterinary medicine dedicated to the care and needs of underserved animals”.
  2. Shelter medicine practitioners need to consider the entire health of the individual animal that they are treating, as well as the needs and health of the animal population inside and outside the shelter.
  3. According to the BC SPCA, the parts of shelter medicine include- infectious diseases, medical, surgical and emergency care, shelter facility design,  clinic behaviour, caring and documenting cruelty cases, community programs like population management.
  4. A grant from Maddie’s Fund helped establish the Maddies Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University in 2005. 
  5. One of the top shelter medicine resources, is the Association of Shelter Veterinarians- check out some other shelter medicine resources here.
  6. The Association of Shelter Veterinarinians (ASV) is primary professional organization for shelter veterinarians from around the world.
  7. The ASV Guidelines for Standards of Care were first released in 2010.
  8. The ASV Guidelines for Standards of Care Second Edition was released in 2022
  9. The ASV Guidelines also include guidelines for a wide variety of spay and neuter programs.
  10. The ASV Checklist helps shelters understand practices that are unacceptable, should, must and ideal.